Investment Strategies
DCM Small Cap Value
The DCM Small Cap Value strategy utilizes a fundamental, bottom-up classic value approach. We seek to find high quality companies that are undervalued for transitory reasons. A unique advantage of our process is our proprietary calculation of normalized earnings, or what we believe a company is able to earn in a typical environment over a full business cycle looking out 3 to 5 years. The DCM Small Cap Value strategy emphasizes stocks with market capitalizations below $4 billion, and we typically maintain fully invested portfolios of 50 to 80 securities.
- Mutual Fund Available: Yes (DASCX)
- Separate Account Available: Yes
BENCHMARK: Russell 2000 Value Index
INCEPTION: June 30, 2008
DCM Mid Cap Value
The DCM Mid Cap Value strategy utilizes a fundamental, bottom-up classic value approach. We seek to find high quality companies that are undervalued for transitory reasons. A unique advantage of our process is our proprietary calculation of normalized earnings, or what we believe a company is able to earn in a typical environment over a full business cycle looking out 3 to 5 years. The DCM Mid Cap Value strategy emphasizes stocks with market capitalizations between $3.5 billion and $40 billion, and we typically maintain fully invested portfolios of 40 to 60 securities.
- Mutual Fund Available: Yes (DALCX)
- Separate Account Available: Yes
BENCHMARK: Russell Mid Cap Value Index
INCEPTION: June 30, 2008
DCM Equity Income
DCM Equity Income is an income-oriented, traditional value strategy. The portfolio objectives are to seek long-term capital growth and a high level of dividend income primarily through investments in common stocks. This strategy offers a conservative, value oriented option for pursuing long-term capital growth along with higher levels of dividend income. Stocks are chiefly selected for the size, expected safety and potential growth of their dividends, so that during a market downturn the portfolio’s dividend income would be less likely to be materially affected. The steady flow of dividends is expected to create a cushion in down markets while allowing the principal to grow during times of economic expansion.
- Mutual Fund Available: Yes (DAEIX)
- Separate Account Available: Yes
BENCHMARK: Russell 1000 Value Index
INCEPTION: January 1, 2011
DCM Multi-Cap Value
The DCM Multi-Cap Value strategy utilizes a fundamental, bottom-up classic value approach. We seek to find high quality companies that are undervalued for transitory reasons. A unique advantage of our process is our proprietary calculation of normalized earnings, or what we believe a company is able to earn in a typical environment over a full business cycle looking out 3 to 5 years. The DCM Multi-Cap Value strategy has the flexibility to invest across the market capitalization spectrum, and we typically maintain fully invested portfolios of 40 to 60 securities.
- Mutual Fund Available: No
- Separate Account Available: Yes
BENCHMARK: Russell 3000 Value Index
PORTFOLIO MANAGERS: Jason E. Solomon, CFA, Kevin E. Laub, CFA, & Douglas A. Leach, CFA
INCEPTION: June 30, 2008